neustart: Network meeting construction industry

They all came to Germany with refugee experiences and have successfully started businesses in the construction industry.

The first construction industry network meeting of the neustart project took place on June 17, 2021. There were 12 founders who successfully started their own company as part of the project. The event was moderated by Ajeeb Morshed, who maintains close contact with all neustart participants.

The aim of the network meeting was to exchange experiences, successes and challenges in setting up one's own company in the construction industry, as well as to network and make new contacts. Some participants clearly stated that they still see challenges with the German language and in finding suitable staff who can support them.

A much more significant challenge, and the participants agreed on this, is getting orders in the first place. In particular, a lack of acceptance and trust for founders with refugee experiences makes the acquisition of orders difficult.

"This is also consistent with our experiences in other sectors," says Maria Kiczka-Halit, head of the neustart project. "People with refugee experiences are generally given much less confidence in starting their own companies. But the success stories of the neustart project tell a completely different story. With the right support, a successful start-up is possible."

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