Network meeting funding in

culture and education

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On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, the neustart network meeting for founders in cultural education took place. 

Our coach and funding expert Sammia Klingner led the 13 participants through the sometimes complex funding landscape of culture, education and language support.

Not only were the differences between various funding providers such as government institutions or private foundations presented, but also the legal requirements for funding, the broad spectrum of topics for which funding is available, and the process from idea development to funding approval.

The possibility of funding projects by the Aktion Mensch Foundation and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees was explained as examples.

Following the technical input, the participants entered into a bilateral exchange, during which it was shown that funding in the form of cooperation can also have good prospects of success. Several of the institutions present agreed to work together and thus profitably expanded their organization's network.

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